Sunday, June 13, 2010

The Food and Book List

The internet is destroying my brain. I have a lot of free time after my classes are finished in the early afternoon, and lately I have been spending more of that time on twitter or Facebook rather than doing something productive like studying Korean or planning an interesting lesson for later in the week. I constantly process multiple pieces of arbitrary information and, as a result, am unable to focus on one thing at a time. Sami has grown annoyed of my recent habit of asking an unrelated question or changing the subject completely while she is mid-sentence. The truth is that I am listening to what she has to say. It is just that I am too accustomed to having multiple tabs open at all times.

I have always liked to read and cook and play basketball- three things that require complete focus. I often write down titles of books that I want to read, or foods I would like to cook someday. Unfortunately, I have a bad habit of losing every scrap of paper listing such items. Maybe if I keep a running list on this post, it will help me remember. I can also cross them off as I finish them, so that will be therapeutic (another short-term goal accomplished!). The hoops will probably have to wait until we get back to the states. Too difficult to rustle up a game of one-on-one, let alone a decent run of threes or fives. Likewise, many of the foods won't be attempted until we are back in the states because certain groceries are either impossible to find or impossibly expensive.

Anyway, here is the list and I will update it when I think of more. Suggestions welcome! Help me kick my adult onset ADD!

The Food and Book List

Pride and Prejudice, Jane Austen (Included because Sami has it here in Korea)
Dracula, Bram Stoker (Ditto)
The Quiet American, Graham Green
The Innocents Abroad, Mark Twain
BBQ oysters on the half shell with butter, parmesan cheese, pancetta and chives
The Road, Cormac McCarthy
High Fidelity, Nick Hornby
Korean school lunch inspired fruit salad with cherry tomatoes, cucumber and raisins. Maybe I should put something crunchy in there too, like walnuts or almonds...
Anything written by Elmore Leonard (never tried)
The World According to Garp John Irving
Spicy freaking crawdads like the ones I had in Shanghai
One Day David Nicholls 
Following Polly Karen Bergreen
Beloved Toni Morrison
Underworld Don DeLillo
Jenny Gerhardt Theodore Dreiser (read Sister Carrie instead)
Everyman Phillip Roth

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