The Korean school schedule is a little wacky. They have winter break the last week of December and all of January, then a week long holiday the first week of February, back for two weeks and then another week off for the end of the year before starting right back up again March 1st. We took advantage of the random week off by sneaking away to Bali. We bought the tickets before we asked for permission from our schools and way before we found out we were pregnant. It was a gamble that paid off (tickets were only $325 roundtrip), but because of Sami's state which alternated between exhaustion and nauseousness, we opted to stay low-key and relaxed most of the week away.
While Sami napped in our king sized bed, A/C full blast, I watched college basketball re-runs on tv and even found the NBA all-star game streaming online. We spent a lot of time at the hotel pool, trying to make myself believe that I am capable of tanning while wearing 50 spf sunscreen. At night I sat out on the balcony, calmed by the heavy rain and distant thunderstorms that occurred almost nightly. We had a weak wireless connection on the balcony, so I caught up on some of the movies that were nominated for Oscars. "Winter's Bone" was one that I really enjoyed.
Here is where I spent most of my evenings while Sami went to bed at 7:30. Notice the mosquito repellant. An absolute must. |
Most days we walked down to the beach and ate at one of the seemingly identical restaurants that line the strip. The food wasn't super cheap, but reasonable. Neither of us could find the one thing we were looking for- I for something authentic (I still don't think I know what sambal is even though I know I had it), and Sami for something that wouldn't make her puke. At least the scenery was incredible. There was a big wedding chapel along the strip we walked each day and it featured a giant glass house in the shape of an engagement diamond. It was incredibly tacky and out of place, but then again, the giant lobster stone carving didn't seem completely natural either.
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